Not Another Voice in the Wilderness
After years of toiling by pencil and pen on paper, by manual typewriter, by electric typewriter (yes, I loved my IBM Selectrix), and more recently using a word processor on the computer, the book is written and published.
I'm beginning to believe that was the easy part.
I'm now on that bumpy, twisting, undulating road to eventual success.
So, while I travel this new and exciting highway, I intend to share a few insights of the trials and tribulations I come up against, tell you about the new stories that are being developed and/or written, and the never ending search for new locations, plot twists, and unforgettable characters.
But first off, just a few favourites:
Favourite Character - Zoe the assassin. Everyone should have a friend like her.
Favourite City: New York. Who doesn't love walking in Central Park in the spring?
Favourite Author: A dead heat between James Patterson and Clive Cussler
Favourite Country: Italy. I could happily live the rest of my life in Tuscany.
Until next time ...